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Current Spotlight - July 2013 - EXIT STATE -

Music Spotlight

Artists whose music motivates and inspires



TD Marant: To get things started let me ask you, If you were a zoo animal which one would you be and why?


Roy: Ooo a zoo animal eh? Hmm lemme think, I think it would have to be a Rhino – those things are just awesome. (laughs)

TD Marant: As I was reading about your band on your web site I chuckled to myself at this statement and I quote”  …modern rock band that appeals to a new young audience just as effortlessly as it does those who've been around the block for a few years.” I fall into the category of being around the block a few years!!! Such a nice way to state it! And I agree with that statement. I really loved the song Crystalline. I found it to be a beautiful blend of music and vocals in a free flowing effortless acceptance that just is.”What was the inspiration for “Crystalline”?


Roy: “Crystalline” is a story of the struggle against those that would have you fail at something important to you or at least try to dissuade you of that fact and ones eventual strength to overcome that and other challenges.  It’s kind of a story of two halves with the first half of the song focusing on the negative aspects of your life and the second half an uplifting period where you face and take on the challenges ahead and overcome them.  Everyone faces these challenges in life and some take the bull by the horns and overcome, adapt….”Crystalline” is for all those people which is why we felt it was the perfect vehicle for us to delivere our message about chARTUK.


TD Marant: Exit State is a relatively new band that has had great success early on. What do you feel is the reason for this?

Previous Music Spotlights - click image to read

"Chrystalline" music video

Exit State - - music video is of radio hit "Chrystalline"


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